

自从我们的工作回应了第一个美国.S. 1999年西尼罗病毒的爆发, Clarke has built a proven record for disease and weather-emergency mosquito control operations that soars above the rest. 这就是为什么联邦政府, state and local governments have repeatedly relied on Clarke to jump into action following a hurricane, flood, 自然灾害或蚊媒疾病爆发.



When Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) cases were spiking across several parts of the U.S. 2019年和2020年, Clarke was called upon to protect public health with several aerial mosquito control applications, 治疗3人以上.2 million acres across three states: Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Michigan.

And, when Miami-Dade County was experiencing the first-ever local cases of Zika in 2016, 乐虎网在当地提供必要的行动支持.


当飓风, 发生洪水或突然爆发蚊媒疾病, the rapid response of a safe and proven emergency program becomes essential.”



When it comes to mosquito control following a serious storm event like a hurricane or flooding, 未经控制的蚊子数量会严重限制第一反应, 实用工具恢复, 以及在受影响社区开展其他必要的清理活动.

Clarke has been routinely called upon by countless government agencies to provide emergency mosquito control response programs to knock down spiking adult mosquito populations and/or prevent breeding mosquitoes from hatching off as flying, 咬的成年人.



The presence of West Nile Virus (mosquito and human cases) is confirmed in New York City for the first time in U.S. 历史. 直接与疾病控制中心合作, Clarke is hired by the New York City Office of Emergency Management to provide emergency response mosquito control to manage populations and mitigate further disease spread.


The City of Chicago experiences a major West Nile Virus outbreak and Clarke provides emergency ground response to control populations and mitigate further disease spread.  我们再次就2003年和2007年西尼罗河病毒在芝加哥的爆发作出回应.


南达科塔州爆发西尼罗病毒. 在接到通知后的四天内, 乐虎网开始治疗110,保护公众健康.


FEMA contracts with Clarke to treat over 4 million acres in Florida due to the Hurricanes (Charley, Frances, Ivan, 和珍妮).


Clarke provides aerial ULV applications for mosquito and fly control to over 3 million acres in Florida, 阿拉巴马州, 卡特里娜和丽塔飓风过后的密西西比和路易斯安那州, and delivers a ground-based emergency response program for a West Nile outbreak in Maricopa County (Arizona).


500多人,000 acres in Massachusetts are treated in just two evenings after the governor declares a state of emergency due to Eastern Equine Encephalitis.


乐虎网被要求采取行动,并对 德州西尼罗病毒爆发 在短短四天内.


乐虎网响应号召,对美国反恐行动做出回应.S. Zika outbreak in Miami-Dade County and works for more than 12 weeks with the Miami-Dade Mosquito Control Department to perform over 250,000次挨家挨户的检查, 支持居民教育和公共关系, and complete ground and aerial control treatments to eradicate local transmissions of Zika.


Hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit Texas and Florida within weeks of each other. 乐虎网在几天内就带着团队赶往两个灾区, 用品和设备, and delivers treatment in September to both states totaling nearly 4 million acres. 乐虎网也在布朗斯维尔现场报道, 在德州待了六个多星期, supporting the high-risk community with a robust Zika prevention program to protect public health.


Clarke mobilizes a team to North Carolina in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence to perform ground ULV treatments and provide critical product and equipment to affected counties.


Persistently high levels of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) plague several states across the US. 乐虎网是马萨诸塞州的合伙人, Rhode Island and Michigan to support multiple aerial applications during the peak months of the outbreak, 最终治疗超过2个.横跨这三个州的700万英亩土地.


Michigan experiences another cycle of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) cases, and again engages Clarke to provide targeted aerial mosquito control treatments in high-risk areas of the state to prevent the loss of life and protect human health. 乐虎网管理着超过45万英亩的土地.



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