


从根本上说, 乐虎网 is a public service company committed to putting people and the planet first, 没有比Give to Tomorrow项目更好的例子了,该项目每年向我们服务的社区中关注环境工作的值得资助的非营利组织提供赠款. 乐虎网在2015年开始了一个回馈计划,这些早期的努力已经演变成“给予明天”. 我们很荣幸能与2023年的赠款接受者和致力于推动环境行动和进步的组织合作.

Our 2023 grant recipients will each receive $15,000 to aid in their endeavors within their local communities and on a global scale. 这些收件人包括:

  • 共同的户外探险
  • 里士满教育花园 & 养蜂场
  • 自然保护协会弗吉尼亚保护区
  • Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife
  • 重建路易斯安那海岸联盟
  • 澳大利亚野生动物保护协会


乐虎网的Give to Tomorrow资助项目认可并支持致力于恢复的非营利组织, preserve and protect the well-being of people, 环境, 野生动物和食物的生产或获取.

乐虎网的业务区域中,有资格的非营利组织是通过公司的销售代表提名的, and all 乐虎网 coworkers vote to select the grant recipients each year.

“The ‘Give to Tomorrow’ grant program is completely managed by our staff. 我们直接与社区合作的代表为奖助金提名提供信息, and then the entire organization votes on the nominations to choose the recipients. We are proud of this program and its goals to support people, the planet, and wildlife. This program helps communities around the world be more livable, 安全舒适.”

J. Lyell 乐虎网, President and CEO of 乐虎网.

Learn More about the 2023 Give to Tomorrow Grant Recipients


共同的户外探险是一个为残疾人提供户外娱乐活动和冒险的组织. Their mission is to provide inclusive and empowering experiences, allowing individuals with diverse abilities to participate in activities like hiking, 野营, 滑雪, 和更多的. 通过这些活动, Common Ground aims to promote personal growth, 树立信心, and create a sense of community among participants, fostering a deeper connection to 自然 and a more inclusive society.

To learn more about their efforts, visit: http://cgadventures.org/

里士满教育花园 & 养蜂场

里士满教育花园 and 养蜂场 is a venture focused on education and sustainability. 他们维护花园和蜂箱,为社区提供实践学习经验. They aim to educate people about gardening, beekeeping, and environmental conservation. Through workshops and interactive sessions, 里士满教育花园 and 养蜂场 fosters a greater understanding of the natural world, 促进可持续发展, and empowers individuals to make environmentally conscious choices.

Check out more about their program here: http://westmont.illinois.gov/489/Richmond-Gardens

The 自然保护协会弗吉尼亚保护区, Arlington, VA

The Nature Conservancy is a four-time winner of 乐虎网’s Give to Tomorrow grant. 他们的工作是保护如何帮助人类和自然社区适应并在面对气候变化时变得更有弹性的典范. 通过保护和保存未开发的屏障和Volgenau海岸的沼泽岛屿-东海岸最长的沿海荒野-自然保护协会弗吉尼亚海岸保护区有助于保护东海岸社区免受风暴潮和海平面上升的影响, as well as provide critical wildlife habitat.

欲知详情,请浏览: http://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/where-we-work/united-states/virginia/stories-in-virginia/virginia-coast-reserve/

重建路易斯安那海岸联盟, New Orleans, LA

从30年代开始, 2人以上,000 square miles of coastal wetlands have vanished, 转向开阔水域. 社区不得不重新安置, 渔业遭到破坏, and Louisiana’s rich culture is at risk. “恢复路易斯安那海岸联盟”一直是拯救路易斯安那海岸线运动的基本组成部分,该运动通过种植本地树木和草来帮助固定脆弱的土壤, 培训下一代沿海领导人,倡导政策解决方案,为未来带来最好的结果.

“明日奉献”基金将支持修复项目的教育部分, 本地植物计划, 以及牡蛎壳回收计划. These programs use volunteers to plant native trees and grasses, 加工牡蛎壳, and then deploy the shell into the water to construct living shorelines. 作为这些项目的一部分, CRCL seeks to inform and educate volunteers about the causes of coastal land loss, the reasons why coastal land loss must be stopped and the available solutions. 他们学习了许多参与海岸恢复的方法,并与海岸土地流失前线的社区成员互动.

The above program is what they used the funding for last year. Let me verify that is what they plan to use the funding for again this year

欲知详情,请浏览: http://www.crcl.org/

Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife

野生动物康复诊所(CROW)是一个专注于照顾和康复受伤和孤儿野生动物的专门组织. 位于一个自然保护区, CROW提供医疗护理, 避难所, and support to a wide range of animal species. Their mission is to heal and release these animals back into their natural habitats, contributing to the preservation of local wildlife populations.

另外, CROW强调社区参与和教育,以提高对野生动物保护和共存的认识.

Visit CROW’s website for more details: http://crowclinic.org/


澳大利亚野生动物保护协会(AWC)是一个致力于保护和保存澳大利亚独特和濒危野生动物的杰出组织. Through strategic land management and extensive scientific research, AWC aims to create sanctuaries that provide safe havens for various species. 他们的作品横跨各个领域, 注重生境恢复, 捕食者控制, 以及重新引入项目.

By addressing key conservation challenges, AWC在保护澳大利亚的生物多样性和为子孙后代保护自然遗产方面发挥着至关重要的作用. AWC将利用他们的拨款资助保护区的土地保护管理工作, 包括消防管理, 根除杂草, 还有野生动物控制.

Learn more about their work at: http://www.australianwildlife.org/


Want to Nominate a Deserving Organization for a Give to Tomorrow Grant?

If you have a suggestion for a deserving non-profit organization in your community, recommend it for nomination through your local 乐虎网 sales representative. Find your local rep below if you don’t have their contact information handy already.
